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  1. Dr. Jenna Borkenhagen takes the fight against prostate cancer to Fridley
    At the MRO Unity Radiation Therapy Center, radiation oncologist Dr. Jenna Borkenhagen will take over the position of Dr. Jeffery Herman, who is retiring [...]
  2. Understanding Your Cancer Prognosis
    Your doctor looks at you and pauses before she speaks, “You have cancer.” Your head spins and a million questions pop into your head. “What type of cancer? What stage is it in?” But most importantly, “What are my chances of survival?” [...]
  3. Soothing words: Managing skin irritation during and after radiation therapy
    Most people have had a sunburn at some point in their lives. The medical term for it is radiation dermatitis, caused by UV radiation. The sun’s rays can damage skin cells and your body reacts [...]
  4. Jody’s Story: Together, we fought breast cancer
    At age fifty, Jody had a good life. She enjoyed a close relationship with her family. Her husband had just started a new job, and her two sons were doing well. Then she was diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer [...]
  5. Radiation therapy for breast cancer
    Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in women, accounting for about a third of women’s cancer diagnoses. Since 1982, the radiation oncology specialists at MRO have treated over 100,000 cancer patients. [...]
  6. Join Team MRO for the Virtual 2021 Race for the Cure
    Minneapolis Radiation Oncology is a proud sponsor for the Susan G Komen 2021 Virtual Race for the Cure [...]
  7. Men’s health: A guy’s guide to reducing your risk of the most common cancers.
    It’s a cliché that men never stop and ask for help when they’re lost. Unfortunately, the same is often true about men and health. Guys often put off getting help when they’re sick and pass it off [...]
  8. Get tested and lower your risk of colon cancer.
    Colorectal cancer is a leading cause of cancer deaths in the US for men and women. But many colorectal cancers [...]
  9. Managing Radiation Side Effects Tips
    It was not too long ago that a middle-aged man came into MRO Ridgeview for prostate cancer treatment. It was his first treatment, and [...]
  10. Fighting Cancer with Precision
    Radiation oncology is all about harnessing different types of energy to fight cancer, but Dr. Raj Varadhan, Director of Physics Technology for MRO, exudes a special kind of energy that’s all his own [...]

Minneapolis Radiation Oncology is the Twin Cities’ leading provider of radiation treatment for cancer. With 11 convenient locations it’s easy to get the treatment you need.

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