Jenna F. Borkenhagen, MD

Board Certification
Radiation Oncology
Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, Radiation Oncology
Aurora St. Luke’s Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI
Medical School
University of Wisconsin School of Medicine & Public Health, Madison, WI
Undergraduate School
Washington University, St. Louis, MO, B.S. Biomedical Engineering (Summa Cum Laude), minor in Mathematics
As a radiation oncologist, I enjoy connecting with patients on a personal level in order to provide the best possible care, while treating their cancers with technology that uses my knowledge of both physics and medicine.
When Dr. Borkenhagen is not working, she enjoys snowboarding, yoga, kayaking, gardening, origami, family and friends.
Learn more about what to expect from radiation treatment.
Leadership and Recognition
Genetics Course Evaluation Committee, Member, UW School of Medicine & Public Health
Endocrinology Course Evaluation Committee, Member, UW School of Medicine & Public Health
Didactics Improvement Project, Implementation Coordinator, Medical College of Wisconsin Department of Radiation Oncology
Safety & Quality Improvement, Sub Committee, Member, Medical College of Wisconsin Department of Radiation Oncology
Professional Memberships
American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO)
American College of Surgeons (ACS)
Radiological Society of North America (RSNA)
American Society of Clinical Oncology
American Board of Radiology
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, MRI Research Laboratory, Student Analyst, Stephen Riederer, PhD
Cambridge University, UK, Cancer Cell Research Unit, Rebecca Fitzgerald, MD, Evaluation of protein express in pre-malignant and malignant esophageal tissue
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN,Physiology and Biomedical Engineering Laboratory, Yves Ouelletter, MD, PhD, Interaction of connexins with other proteins in the regulation of gap junctions
UW Madison, Madison, WI, Cardiovascular Research Center, Nancy Sweitzer, MD PhD, Study of dobutamine for diagnosis for heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
UW Madison, Madison, WI, Department of Human Oncology, Zachery Morris, MD, PhD, Rectal Cancer Database Project
Medical College of Wisconsin Department of Radiation Oncology, Milwaukee, WI, Cardiotoxicity in thoracic radiotherapy
Medical College of Wisconsin Department of Radiation Oncology, Milwaukee, WI, National Cancer database review of prostate cancer cT2 prognostic value
“Neonatal Hypocalcemic Seizures due to Excessive Maternal Calcium Ingestion”, Borkenhagen JF, Connor EL, Stafsrom CE. Pediatric Neurology, 2013 Jan: [6]:469-/1 PMID 23668874
“Delivery of definitive dose external beam radiation in close proximity to an implanted deep brain stimulator”, Borkenhagen JF, Morrise ZS, Hoberg JR, Kozak KR, Shapiro LQ. Practical Radiation Oncology, 2014 Sept-Oct; 4[5]:294-7, PMID 25494097
“Increased tumor response to neoadjuvant therapy among rectal cancer patients taking angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blockers”, Morris ZS, Saha S, Magnuson WJ, Morris BA, Borkenhagen JF, Ching A, Hirose G, McMurry V, Francis DM, Hiarari PM, Chappel R, Tsuji S, Ritter MA. Cancer: 216 Aug 15; 122[16]:2487-98. PMD 27203227
“Dosimetric Predictors of Cardiotoxicity in Thoracic Radiotherapy for Lung Cancer.” Borkenhagen JF, Bergom CR, Rapp CT, Klawikowski SJ, Rein LE, Gore EM. Clinical Lung Cancer. 2019 Jun 5. pii: S1525-7304(19)30141-X. PMID: 31303452.
“Digital Rectal Examination Remains a Key Prognostic Tool for Prostate Cancer: A National Cancer Database Review.” Borkenhagen JF, Eastwood D, Kilari D, See WA, Van Wickle JD, Lawton CA, Hall WA. J Natl Compr Canc Netw. 2019 Jul 1;17(7):829-837. PMID: 31319388.
“DRE Is Still a Prognostic Tool for Prostate Cancer”, Borkenhagen JF Medscape Medical News: Oncology News. 2019 Aug 02.
Invited Lectures
UW LaCrosse Radiation Therapy Program Lecture Series, Milwaukee, WI, “Radiation of Benign Conditions”
Medical College of Wisconsin Department of Radiation Oncology, Milwaukee, WI, “Early Cardiotoxicity in Thoracic Radiotherapy for Lung and Esophageal Cancer”
UW LaCrosse Radiation Therapy Program Lecture Series, Milwaukee, WI, “Utilization of Radiotherapy in the Management of Vulvar and Vaginal Cancers”
UW LaCrosse Radiation Therapy Program Lecture Series, Milwaukee, WI, “Utilization of Radiotherapy in the management of Endometrial Cancer”
Medical College of Wisconsin Department of Radiation Oncology, Milwaukee, WI, “Prognostic Value of Clinical T2 Classifications in Prostate Cancer”