April has been designated National Cancer Prevention and Early Detection Month. The goal is to encourage everyone – citizens, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and other groups – to join in activities to increase awareness of what we can do to prevent, detect, and beat cancer. And to honor the courage and strength of those facing the disease today as well as the millions of survivors.
Cancer is the second-leading cause of death in our country; it has touched nearly every American family. But technology and treatment have made steady progress in the fight against the disease.
At MRO, we have been on the front lines of the battle against cancer for more than 40 years. We are specialists in fighting cancer with radiation; we have treated over 100,000 patients, while collaborating closely with referring surgeons and medical oncologists to deliver the best possible outcome for each patient. Over the years, radiation treatment technology has advanced by leaps and bounds. Today, radiation therapy is more precise, more accurate, and more effective than ever before, while at the same time producing fewer side effects.
One of the most powerful weapons of all in the fight against cancer is early detection. Cancer screenings are lifesaving; early detection can make all the difference in beating the disease. With early detection and treatment, more and more people are surviving cancer diagnosis.
Prevention is another powerful weapon. Studies have shown that over 30 percent of cancers diagnosed today could be prevented through methods like decreasing environmental and toxic exposures to carcinogens and making lifestyle changes like smoking cessation, healthy eating, and regular exercise.
For those who have been diagnosed with cancer, our goal at MRO is to turn fear into confidence. We use advanced technology, delivered with a healthy dose of compassion. Our care teams understand the toll that cancer can exact on patients and their families and have always advocated for patient access to quality treatment close to home. Minneapolis Radiation Oncology continues to be the Twin Cities’ leading provider of advanced radiation treatment for cancer patients.
To learn your personal risk factors and know which screenings are right for you, please talk to your health care provider, visit cdc.gov/cancerscreening or cancer.gov/screeningtests, or call 1‑800-4-CANCER for more information. We encourage everyone to schedule routine cancer screening appointments.